Freelancers are Entrepreneurs, Too
You don’t need to invent an innovative product to be a real entrepreneur. Self-employed services specialists are just as important and are a growing part of this new “age of…
You don’t need to invent an innovative product to be a real entrepreneur. Self-employed services specialists are just as important and are a growing part of this new “age of…
Great startups these days start with innovation, and then take it up a few notches to make it a revolution. An example is Google, who turned a new search technology…
If you are going to be a real entrepreneur, it’s important that you know yourself well. After all, you won’t have a direct manager charged with giving you feedback, and…
People with a victim mentality should never be entrepreneurs. We all know the role of starting and running a business is unpredictable and has a high risk of failure. For…
Willingness to take a risk is the hallmark of a serious entrepreneur. That’s why one of the first questions that potential investors ask is “How much of your own money,…
Startups and entrepreneurs are drowning in the information overload, where the volume of data created is like a new Library of Congress every 15 minutes. That creates a huge gap…
I’ve long believed that entrepreneurs are different. We all know successful entrepreneurs who dropped out of school, and people with high IQs that cannot manage a business. I used to…
We’ve all heard the old joke “In a bacon-and-egg breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.” This quote epitomizes the true essence of commitment. We all know…
When someone introduces me to an “idea person,” I automatically assume that this person doesn’t do follow-up. Of course, there are people who are great at getting things done but…
One of the keys to maximizing the productivity of your team, as well as yourself, is motivation. It has been estimated that the average team member at any given time…