Startup Valuation Estimator
Wondering what your Pre-Money Value will be if a VC ever puts a term sheet on the table? Valuing a startup is intrinsically different from valuing established companies. Because of the high level of risk and often little or no revenues, traditional quantitative valuation methods like P/E comparables or discounting free cash flows are of little use. Startup valuations are largely determined based on qualitative attributes.
Our startup valuation calculator is based on 25 multiple-choice questions. Give it a try!
Startup Valuation Calculator

Entrepreneur’s Library
Our directory of carefully hand-selected resources was created to help you build, grow, and run your venture. Resources include links to the top startup blogs, tips for doing market & competitor research, information on how to raise capital from angel investors, and region-specific resources.
Be sure to bookmark it and come back often!
Capital Comparison Table
Entrepreneurs have access to a bewildering array of capital sources. The right one(s) for you depends on your venture’s stage of development, the intended use of funds, and other factors.
Your capital formation strategy is the specific sequence of capital sources you might pursue given your unique needs and circumstances. We’ve compiled a table of 31 common capital sources, comparing their key attributes so you can make an informed decision about how to finance your business.
Capital Comparison Table

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