Attracting Tech Talent to A Growing Startup
Tech recruiting can be a major challenge especially when your business is new or still small. But it doesn’t have to be too hard as long as you focus on making the business a place where people are willing to work. One might think that only tech giants will be successful in attracting the best in the business but every tech giant was once a small company.
Let’s look at some of the ways younger companies can implement to increase their chances of winning against giant companies for tech talent:
- Invest in recruiting software: It is a kind of computer program that uses complicated algorithms, often hidden behind a compelling, game-like user interface, that tries to solve all the problems that have plagued HR departments for the past 30 years. Information gathered from the recruitment software can be utilized to make informed decisions.
- Create a company culture: One of the most important factors that attract talent is cultivating an atmosphere that makes employees happy to come to work. When it comes to technical recruiting, the whole process can be simplified if your startup offers an engaging, fun, and challenging environment.
- Universities are your friends: Fresh college grads are hungry for success with upgraded skills and fresh slate who don’t have to be retrained or carry expectations from past workplaces. Set up connections with top universities and continue to recruit yearly from the same place for both internships and regular employment. It brings technical talent and allows them to ask technical questions.
- Building employer brand: Having a good employer brand gives your business a reputation of a good place to work and providing value to your employees rather than only asking for value from them. As a startup, make sure that you know where you stand on issues that matter to your vulnerable employees which may help your brand. A business that forms a brand is more likely to attract talent.
- Present them how they’ll make an impact: Small businesses are perfect for mission-driven employees because they can make much more contribution to the company and customers. You should create an environment where your employees can draw a line between their contribution and impact with the end-user. It is very important to make future employees realize that they will be part of a creative and intuiting workplace.
- Emphasize the product itself: A majority of people prefer to work in a company that has a useful, interesting product that they can truly believe in. It is advisable that first start with an amazing product and an awesome challenge as engineers want to work on solving the thorniest and difficult problems.
- Use technology: It is obvious when people choose to work in the tech industry, they are usually excited about technology. You should have technology that stands out to those who will be working with it and for the company to allow its employees to grow and be a part of something big.
Hiring talents is like dating. The process is patient and doesn’t happen overnight. Build a culture that makes your employees work happily. The companies that follow this approach build a pipeline of quality and reliable talent that will propel their business to the next level.