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The Entrepreneur’s Library: Financial Management Resources

Financial Management

Websites & Articles

Bookkeeping and Accounting Basics

While keeping track of your business' finances may seem overwhelming, it's not that hard when you know the basics.

Cash Management Basics

A collection of articles to help you avoid financial crises.

Cash vs. Accrual Accounting

"The cash method and the accrual method (sometimes called cash basis and accrual basis) are the two principal methods of keeping track of a business's income and expenses. In most cases, you can choose which method to use. Learn how they work and the advantages and disadvantages of each so you can choose the better one for your business."

Lots of resources including webcasts, news, and information for financial management.

Finance for Geeks

A gentle introduction to basic finance and accounting for non-financial entrepreneurs.

SBA Learning Center

The SBA offers a variety of online courses to help you start and run your business.

Ways to Save Money When Running a Business From Home

Running a business from home offers flexibility, convenience, and a chance to save money. By planning smartly, entrepreneurs can manage remote businesses while cutting unnecessary expenses. This article explores some practical tips to save money when running a business from home.

Disclaimer: Inclusion in this directory does not constitute an endorsement. The materials linked to from this page are copyrighted to their respective owners.

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