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2,400+ Clients since 2001 • $4.3+ Billion Raised

Testimonials by David’s Clients


Medical Device
Durham, NC

This innovative maker of hospital safety products asked Cayenne to help shape a story and messaging to more effectively reach their investor audience. James Hathorn, the CEO wrote: “The ability to synthesize and consolidate large amounts of information into concise, well-written investor documents is a skill not many possess, yet David is a master of this craft.” Cayenne also consulted to ColoWrap on a variety of strategic and operational matters. Mr. Hathorn further commented that the engagement “materially improved our business strategy. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, David operated with integrity and made the success of our business his foremost priority throughout our engagement.”

Fountains of Fellsmere

Concierge Assisted Living Community
Fellsmere, FL

For this creative investment firm, Cayenne Consulting collaborated with management to prepare a business plan for an assisted living community in Central Florida. The plan targets EB-5 investors overseas who seek to immigrate to the United States and obtain a Green Card, by investing in job creation here. This was our second major engagement for this client. When asked what he most liked about Cayenne’s process, Oswald Sousa, one of the Partners in the project, wrote: “lots of good conference calls where [the consultant] helped us flesh out a lot of ideas and concepts that we were having a difficult time articulating ourselves.” Mr. Sousa described Cayenne as “a very professional, experienced team with a wealth of experience in the development of outstanding business plans.”

Groundswell Developments

Urban Revitalization & Sustainability
Edmonton, Alberta

Groundswell Developments is a cutting edge real estate developer with a focus on urban revitalization and sustainable communities. Cayenne worked with Groundswell to explore how to commercialize a number of future transportation concepts that could hold great promise for the creation of entirely new kinds of transport-based sustainable communities. “The consultant was very methodical and engaging; he clearly put his heart into the project,” said Dan Corns, President. “Cayenne reduced what started out as a BEHAG (big, hairy, audacious, goal) into a practical, manageable strategic plan that has turned skeptics into believers.”

McGinley Orthopaedic Innovations

Orthopeaedic Surgical Device
Casper, WY

McGinley Orthopaedic Innovations has developed and tested a new drill for use in bone surgery. Their patented technology prevents injuries caused by drilling too deeply. Cayenne assisted in developing strategies and prepared the company’s business plan, financial model, investor presentation and executive summary. Within a week after completion, McGinley had signed up investors. “It was a pleasure working with Cayenne Consulting,” said Joseph McGinley, CEO. “From day one, the process was friendly and interactive. The consultant motivated me to question assumptions and never stop improving on current ideas. For me it was truly a learning experience from a top professional. The information and knowledge I obtained from him during the planning discussions has helped me focus the direction of the company with a strong, organized and thought provoking business model. The process and final products were nothing short of exceptional.” One of Joe’s investors remarked: “Overall I thought it was a business plan that was well thought out and presented. It sold me.”

Mobile Fueling Solutions

Energy & Logistics
West Nyack, NY

Mobile Fueling Solutions (MFS) is a leading edge start-up that refuels fleets of vehicles on-site with compressed natural gas (CNG) using patented Virtual Pipeline® technology. On-site fueling saves fleets the substantial logistical costs associated with fueling at distant CNG stations. MFS needed a new business plan, financial forecast model, and pitch deck for a crucial meeting with a large, important energy investor. Mobile Fueling CEO, Dean Sloane, commented “Cayenne Consulting far exceeded my expectations. The consultant was a real pro. Our consultant was quick to understand our business and very capable. Cayenne ought to hold investor presentation seminars either on line or at conferences. Within days of completing the project, I recommended our Cayenne Consultant highly to an old friend and serial entrepreneur.”

Name Withheld

Spinal Implant

For a spine implant sales representative, Cayenne developed a plan to design, develop, and manufacture its own line of proprietary spine implant products. The plan enabled the company to reinvent itself as a manufacturer and distributor, to hire a sales staff, and greatly expand its revenues and profitability. Cayenne helped the venture to conceive innovative arrangements with inventors, to select appropriate design and product development resources, and to fund the venture from its own free cash flows. The company founder described the Cayenne plan and financial model as “fantastic” and said “I could not have picked a better team.”

ResSpond Spinal Systems

Spinal Implant
Princeton, NJ

ResSpond Spinal Systems has developed a spinal implant that promises to revolutionize the surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease. Cayenne helped position the company for acquisition by an established medical device maker. Cayenne prepared the company’s business plan, a financial model, investor presentation and executive summary. The founders wrote, “It was a pleasure to work with Cayenne. David recognized the business potential in our startup and brought an unexpected level of enthusiasm and insight to the table. He produced an incredible business plan while he taught us a great deal about relevant business strategy and deal-making terms. We feel much better prepared as we enter the negotiations portion of this journey and look forward to staying in contact with Cayenne for plan updates and advice.”

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