San Diego
Websites & Articles
Investors: Tech Coast Angels
"Tech Coast Angels is California's largest angel investor network, with over 300 members from virtually every background and industry."
Organizations: Athena San Diego
"Athena San Diego promotes professional growth for women executives and rising managers in science and technology. Sectors served include life sciences, healthcare, defense, engineering, and related industries, as well as the service providers who support these sectors."
Organizations: BIOCOM/San Diego
"BIOCOM is the largest regional life science association in the world, representing more than 550 member companies in Southern California."
Organizations: California Healthcare Institute
The advocate for California's biomedical industry.
Organizations: CleanTECH San Diego
CleanTECH San Diego promotes sustainable best practices in the San Diego region and promotes the region's high concentration of cleantech activities. By collaborating with the multitude of stakeholders, we leverage these assets and position ourselves effectively as a world leader in the low carbon economy.
Organizations: Corporate Directors Forum
Corporate Directors Forum helps directs be better at their jobs through networking and peer to peer education.
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