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The Entrepreneur’s Library: Grant Funding Resources


Websites & Articles


Essential nonprofit data, tools, and resources


Funding for technologies with potential military applications.

Department of Defense

Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.

EPA Grant-Writing Tips is your source to FIND and APPLY for federal government grants.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Grant and contract opportunities.

National Institutes of Health

Grants and funding opportunities.

National Science Foundation

The NSF's search engine for finding funding opportunities.

NIH Grant Writing Tips Sheets

A list of NIH Institutes that put out guides and tip sheets on their websites.

NSF Guide for Proposal Writing

Advice to proposal writers.

SBIR Grant Programs

The Office of Technology administers the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. Through this competitive program, $2billion has been awarded to small high-tech businesses.

Scientific Grant & Funding Sources from Science Magazine

Directory of funding sources for training in the sciences.

Disclaimer: Inclusion in this directory does not constitute an endorsement. The materials linked to from this page are copyrighted to their respective owners.

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