Cayenne Consulting

The Race Against Running Out of Cash

Off to the Races, Part 4

Based on a study of over 1,000 seed-funded startups, running out of cash was the third leading factor resulting in company failure:

  1. Founder conflict and misalignment – 65%
  2. Lack of product/market fit – 42%
  3. Running out of cash – 29%

I’ve discussed Burnout – the difference between motion and progress – in the previous installment, and how an effective action plan helps you avoid it. Losing the “Race against running out of Cash” is nearly always a result of not having a solid plan or not following it.

How to run out of cash fast:

A startup is an experiment

The day you decide to start a business, you’re a founder, but it’s not a business until a customer pays for your product. Your priority is to know your idea has a chance before going any further.

Your hypothesis encompasses three parts; you’ve identified a problem that many people have, your solution is feasible, and you’ll be able to make money from selling it. Your priority is to prove that to be true or walk away.

As with my prior articles, I assume the company has one or two initial cofounders, limited founder capital, and is just starting to validate its market.

Founders often assume they need a business plan to raise capital. Pre-seed and Seed investors often accept that you don’t yet know enough to develop a detailed Business Plan.

Unless you plan to bootstrap your company, you’ll likely go through several funding rounds on your way to building a sustainable company.

Investors want to understand how you’re going to spend their money to develop the business and what it could mean for them if you succeed. Every round of funding extends your runway – how much time you have available to reach your next funding milestone. You can buy time, but you’re simultaneously in a race against competitors. Additional time might keep you afloat a bit longer, but it doesn’t stop your competitors.

With each round of funding, you should be increasing value, growing customers, and consistently hitting your milestones. If that’s not happening, it’s unlikely you’ll attract investors for subsequent rounds.

How to keep from running out of cash

The simple answer is to start with enough money to fund a short-term plan to bring you to your next funding round. Sounds easy, but I promise you it’s not. Developing an action plan requires significant work and a degree of soul searching. It’s the early stages of development where an experienced advisor, business coach, or mentor can add the most value – increase your odds while accelerating your program.

Seed Funding

The Seed Funding round is your first honest attempt at convincing an experienced investor to provide capital. If successful, you’ve separated yourself from most other startups to this point. Now is when things get real.

To start this round, you need to demonstrate:

Seed Investors are typically Business Angels or, in rare cases, early-stage VCs. They want to know you have a large market and confidence that you and your team are up to the task. They can assess the market and decide if you have a viable solution, but their ultimate risk is management’s ability to execute.

Don’t start with an amount lower than you need to reach your next milestone. If you run out of cash before reaching the next round as planned, you’ll have a hard time convincing someone to provide what would be considered bridge financing instead of an investment. Seed round investors also have difficulty committing to founders that haven’t invested a meaningful amount of their own money along the way. Why should they take a risk that the founders have avoided?

Securing your Seed Round will allow you to start building out your company

Your action plan is your roadmap

Understand the specifics of your market, industry sector, and the realistically available funding options before choosing your path forward. Only a small number of startups get VC funding. If your company can’t scale rapidly, or if you need to remain in control, or if you are in an industry sector that doesn’t interest them, don’t waste your time chasing them.

Over 95% of existing companies didn’t need VC investors to succeed. There are other options available to meet your objectives. Knowing these in advance will keep you from planning a route with dead ends and keep you from burning valuable time and money.

If you are in a sector where VC funding is required, primarily tech, AI, and healthcare in today’s environment, build your plan to be VC-ready. Research their investment mandates and focus your strategy on Funds looking for the opportunity you offer.

Know your funding options before developing your Pitch:

Up Next

In my next installment, I’ll write about “The Race against Competitors (Known and Unknown)”

Meanwhile, I suggest you check out the following related posts by other members of our team:

Off to the Races Series

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