Cayenne Consulting

Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

I know some entrepreneurs with successful businesses, and others who seem to have a great relationship with their family, but I can’t think of many who have both. Some people would argue that these two successes are mutually exclusive, but I’m not convinced.

Individually, they both take focus, commitment, and a variety of skills, all the strengths of a good entrepreneur. Assuming a person wants both a family and a business, the challenge is to achieve a balance that can satisfy both.

From my observational experience, as well as my personal struggles on both sides of this equation, here are some of the key parameters of that balance:

Most people consider entrepreneurship as a lifestyle, rather than a job. Being married is a lifestyle, and raising a family is a lifestyle. Recognize that it’s harder to balance two lifestyles than it is balance a job with your real lifestyle.

Also mixing business with pleasure is one thing, but mixing business with family yields an altogether different, and often volatile, dynamic. Running a family business or “FamilyPreneurship” is even more difficult, and can derail or splinter cherished relationships.

Before you conclude that entrepreneurship is your chosen lifestyle, make sure you understand the balance it will require, and make sure those around you are prepared to accept that balance. Your success, your happiness, and your family relationship depends on it.

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