Cayenne Consulting

The Invisible Threat: A Cybersecurity Breach

The Invisible Threat A Cybersecurity Breach

Cybersecurity breaches are grabbing more headlines than the Kardashian clan, or so it seems. Major companies continue to release information about new cybersecurity compromises, which should make you think about the threat to your business. As if you don’t have enough on your plate as a budding entrepreneur, cybersecurity is as essential to running your company as marketing or bookkeeping.

A lot happens when hackers compromise your data. This is true whether the breach targets data on millions of people (like the Equifax breach) or steals a few customers’ credit card information. Cybersecurity breaches can:

According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2018 Cost of Data Breach Study, the average cost of remedying a data breach is a stifling $3.86 million—a fatal blow to most small businesses and startups. According to the same study, one in four companies will experience a breach at some point.

Naturally, cybercrime is a growing enterprise itself as people increasingly rely on digital services and data storage. More than three-quarters of Americans own smartphones—and that number continues to rise. Data means dollar signs for criminals, and with a rise in anonymous cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, cybercrime is a relatively low-risk way to make money. According to a Flashpoint study, Russian hackers who use ransomware can earn over $7,000 per month. In a country where the average monthly salary is equivalent to about $500, the incentive to be a hacker is high.

Here are two common ways cybercriminals target your data and what you can do to mitigate the risks:

Becoming a victim of cybercrime takes only one wrong click on an attachment or URL. Teach your employees be cautious when opening their email. If you are compromised, shut down the access and accounts of compromised devices and alert law enforcement. Consider purchasing data breach insurance and using password management tools. Back up your data regularly and use anti-malware and anti-virus software to keep your company’s data — and your livelihood — safe from hackers.

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