Cayenne Consulting

Simple Principles for Turning Your Ideas Into a Business

Successful startups are all about turning ideas into action. These actions must be the hard part, since entrepreneurs always seem to come to me with ideas, and ask me for help on the actions. That has always seemed strange to me, since the magic is supposed to be in the ideas, and the actions are the same for every business.

In fact, the actions required to start and run a business are well documented, the subject of many books, and taught in college courses across the land. As confirmed by a recent book on this subject by John Spence, Awesomely Simple, turning business ideas into action consists of six essential strategies:

It should be pretty easy to see the interdependence and synergy among the six principles, each building on the next, all the various elements working together to create a highly successful business. But you don’t have to go out and address all six principles right now. Pick one that will create leverage immediately, and begin with it.

Spence defines three simple watchwords that will lead to business excellence – focus, discipline, and action. If you are missing any of these, the outcome will most certainly be mediocre. Once you start accepting mediocrity, you become a magnet for mediocrity.

Your great ideas deserve more than mediocre actions. Simple actions done in an outstanding fashion are far more effective than complex and time consuming actions done poorly (thrashing). Also, don’t be fooled into thinking that “simple” means “easy to implement”. Start now to turn your innovative ideas into action. Every entrepreneur loves a challenge.

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